One of the end of time
the last siphon enough attention is the presence of a
named Sathya Sai Baba, he was born and lived in the Village Nilayam Puthaparti,
eastern Khurasan, precisely
South India.
Allah's Messenger said to us, Dajjal will be out of the earth at the east called Khurasan (Jamiu at Tirmidzi).
Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet saw narrate. said:
“The ending day will not come until 30 Dajal (liars) appear, they all lie about Allah and His Messenger. “
Can be Sai Baba is
one of the 30-dajal small dajal that will pave the way for
the emergence of al-Masih al-Dajjal (Dajjal will be fought with
Imam Mahdi and killed by the prophets as Jesus).

wallahu al’am..
This man has the ability of the dead, heal the blind and paralyzed, and even able to rain down and remove the flour from his hands.
He was also able to walk across the hemisphere in a flash, create a statue of gold, the iron into gold, and more various defamation shown by Sai
Baba to the thousands of people - even - millions who come from different tribes and religions. Currently, this man already has tens of millions pursuivant ..
So is the time for every Muslim to know the problem, that itself does not become the next victim of this slander Sai Baba.
Dajjal is a man that fat, with red and blond curls…” (HR.Bukhari dan Muslim)
appear, Dajjal saying, I am the prophet, the prophet does not have
after. Then he praised him and said, I am the your Rabb
, when you can not see you Rabb before you're dead(HR.Ibnu Majah)

1) Dajjal a man who berpostur
short, gempal, frizzy blond, bandy-legged (rather pengkor). Sai
Baba berpostur a short blonde and frizzy.
2) Dajjal has a blind eye. Sai Baba had experienced blindness in the young and then recover again.
3) Dajjal come together and there are mountains
bread and river water. Sai Baba has a capability issue vibhuti
(holy meal) from the air through the hands.
4) have the ability to move Dajjal
from one place to another with such speed and depat
thunderstorm, or as soon as the cloud be blown gale. Sai Baba
have the ability to walk the earth in a matter of exploring the flicker
5) follow the cohort of Dajjal
very much, even at the end of time many people who later
fancy to meet the Dajjal. Sai Baba has pursuivant
the amount of tens of millions of people the various tribes, nations,
state and religion.
6) Dajjal will appear with the claim
as a wise / good, so many people interested
to follow. Sai Baba seabgai people confess that the wise
mission to bring peace, love eliminate all disputes
7) and the Dajjal will appear as a prophet. Sai Baba positioned himself as a prophet to the pengikut2nya.
Dajjal akang use the name Al-Masih. Sai Baba that will reincarnate as Al-Masih Isa after the year 2020.
9) Dajjal will confess as Lord. Sai Baba claims that his God is the ruler of the universe.
10) Dajjal will mendakwahkan religion
God. In many council darshanya Sai Baba spoke about the many
Islam, Al-Qur'an and the obligation to understand it.
11) Dajjal able to bring people
dead and heal the sick. Sai Baba has the ability
the dead heal the disease of cancer.
12) Dajjal can reduce rainfall. Sai
Baba has the ability and bring down the rain water to
irrigation (in the province are building the project in Sai Baba for irrigation in
the dry areas).
13) Dajjal can be issued
treasures (jewelry and property) from the collapsed building, and
treasury will then ratunya. Sai Baba is able to create
statue of gold, gold necklace, the gospel and the various forms of mini medalai
GOD berlafadz a glance.
14) Dajjal will kill someone and menghidupkannya again. Sai Baba can bring people who have died.
15) Dajjal can move and sport
place from one form to another form. Sai Baba can move from
Jasad Jasad one to the other is the reincarnation benruk himself.
16) Dajjal can raise the body.
Sai Baba memliki ability to walk in the air and make kemukjizatan
sebuh on the aircraft.
17) Dajjal normal market entry and exit
food. Sai Baba also ordinary people who eat and drink as
other men, he also can walk to markets, hospitals, the project
irrigation and other places visited by the ordinary man.
18. Dajjal can be ordered to remove the earth and water tumbuh2an. Sai baba can remove the water with hentakan feet.
19) Dajjal not memliki children. Sai Baba barren, it does not have children and not him (not married).
20) Dajjal lead the Jewish people. Sai Baba has a mission to spread zionis theology.
21) Dajjal appear in the era of controversy.
Sai Baba claims that he came from a lot of time and resolve
dispute, and his arrival to uphold the truth and
destroy evil
O Muslims, what more we wait, let us return immediately to God and rasulnya.
"If any
one of you have finished reading tasyahhud finally,
let him ask God's protection to four things. "
He should say:
‘Ya Allah,
seeking refuge in You from the punishment Hell Jahannam, adzab grave,
slander (trial) live and die from the malignancy and Dajjal's slander.”